Brooke Badon’s Plant Medicine Workshop

A shelf with many jars and bowls on it

Brooke Badon, CPFAN Board member and Adopt-A-Flowerbed volunteer, will present a workshop on Plant Medicine for our January 3 program at 6:30 pm following our 5:30 pm board meeting. The meeting and program will take place in the Multi-Purpose Room at the Carla Madison Recreation Center, 2401 East Colfax Avenue. Brooke has studied and applied plant and herbal medicine for years as an extracurricular activity. She has provided workshops with local enthusiasts like Beverly Grant, the founder of Mo’ Betta Green, an urban farm and education and wellness platform. Grant’s Seeds of Power Unity Farm has sites spreading across Central Denver.

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Dec. 6, Nature Play Becomes Reality

A man and boy sitting at table with plants.

City Park Friends and Neighbors is honored to host Jacqueline Altreuter, Project Manager for the Denver Museum of Nature and Science’s (DMNS) Nature Play project, for a presentation on the final design for Nature Play. The program and slideshow will take place on Dec. 6 in the Multi-Purpose Room at Carla Madison Recreation Center, 2401 E. Colfax Ave. at 6:30 pm. This is an in-person event.  There is parking behind Carla Madison. After five years of gathering community input and working and re-working designs reflecting the public’s vision for this extensive natural play area, Jackie speaks for the museum when

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Kristina Maldonado Bad Hand to Speak, Oct. 4, 6:30 pm, Carla Madison Recreation Center

A woman smiling for the camera with her head on top of a box.

CPFAN is honored to host a presentation by artist, activist and educator Kristina Maldonado Bad Hand at its October 4 Board Meeting/Program. The meeting is open to the public and will begin at 5:30 pm. Kristina’s program will begin at 6:30 pm. Kristina is a Sicangu Lakota and Cherokee artist who hails from Taos, NM, but Denver is her home now – luckily for us! In describing her “A Story of Denver” mural featuring treasured Denver landmarks (an interactive artwork created through the Storytelling Studio at the Denver Art Museum), she says:  “From the moment I came here to attend

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