Nature Play Update & Slideshow, Feb. 6, 5:30 pm, Carla Madison Rec Center, 2401 E. Colfax

City Park visitors have watched with curiosity and mounting excitement as the outlines of City Park’s new Nature Play project has emerged and filled in with whimsical benches and sculptures, a 20 foot tall climeable Bighorn Sheep, a beaver dam, logs, rocks and rustic swing sets. Nature Play is the result of a partnership between the Denver Museum of Nature and Science (DMNS) and Denver Parks and Recreation (DPR). Located in the southeast corner of City Park, south of the museum, the project is designed to delight, stimulate and educate while highlighting Colorado’s eight ecosystems in play areas that follow the

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Meadows Instead of Blue Grass!

Meadows instead of blue grass! As climate change progresses, many of us are looking at our yards and public spaces and feeling concern about the amount of water it takes to keep the traditional blue grass landscapes alive. City Park Friends and Neighbors is honored to have a speaker for the Tuesday, December 5 program who addresses the solution to our water-guzzling landscapes with knowledgeability and passion. Michelle Simpson is an Ecological Horticulturalist and the Co-founder and CEO of Otherworlds Seed Co. She was the horticulturist for Denver’s Historic Mount Vernon garden in Washington Park where she designed and implemented its

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New Projects in City Park

A view of some trees and grass in the distance.

City Park Friends and Neighbors is pleased to present two outstanding speakers for our November 7 program:  Alex Gutierrez, Senior Manager of Outreach for the Mayor Johnston Administration and Edward Scholz, Vice President of Finance and Business Operations for the Denver Museum of Nature and Science (DMNS). Alex will speak about Mayor Johnston’s vision for Denver’s parks, particularly City Park. Alex has consulted with East Denver Parks District Planner, Mallory Roybal, about several new City Park projects in the southeast corner of City Park. One is to convert the South Meadow (the expanse of blue grass lawn south of DMNS)

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