Next Tuesday, May 16, the City Park Friends and Neighbors (CPFAN) Board of Directors and interested CPFAN members will meet with Kristina Maldonado Bad Hand at the Lily Pond, located southwest of the Museum of Nature and Science to brainstorm ideas for a Land Acknowledgement installation in the area. Kristina is a Sicangu Lakota and Cherokee artist who is a co-chair of the Denver Indian Commission and a Creative and Public Engagement Fellow at the Denver Art Museum. She has also created several Land Acknowledgement art installations in the Denver area. One of the most recent is a Living Land Acknowledgement in Five Points, funded through a “P.S. You Are Here†grant administered by Denver Arts and Venues (DAV). The sponsor is Redline Contemporary Art Center. The Land Acknowledgement is a garden surrounding a topiary sculpture featuring indigenous plants “that thrive in Colorado’s arid climate and reconnect gardeners to native plants and promote environmental sustainability,” according to the grant.
On May 12, Kristina has an art show opening at the Dairy in Boulder. Works on display will include illustrations, graphic design, portraits, a small animatic and two mini land acknowledgment prototypes. For more information, go to .