City Park Friends and Neighbors (CPFAN) is a grassroots, independent advocacy group open to all members of the public. We became a Registered Neighborhood Organization (RNO) in 2014. Our mission is to actively protect the classical pastoral character of City Park. We are dedicated to celebrating the natural beauty of the park and its accessibility to all members of the public. City Park is the People’s Park, a treasure we strive to preserve and enhance. Become a member of CPFAN by visiting our website at www.cpfan.org and click Join Us.

CPFAN is committed to finding ways to welcome its membership and the public at large into City Park, to help enhance park experiences and to support City Park’s Superintendant, Horticulturists and Maintenance staff. We strive to engage in productive partnerships with the Zoo, the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Denver Parks and Recreation, District 9, other relevant institutions. Below are listed some of our activities:

*Served on 2018 City Park Master Plan Update Steering Committee

*Sponsored Color Field art installation for Denver Arts and Venue

*Spearheaded Adopt-A-Flowerbed volunteer program in City Park

*Conduct yearly tours of City Park for Doors Open Denver and Denver Architecture           Foundation

*Provide Programs about City Park and other park-related topics for our membership of 300

*Send monthly CPFAN Mail Chimp Newsletters to our membership with articles about              City Park history, activities and other park and horticulture-related news

*Provide newly republished Denver’s City Park to community members for a $20 donation