Historic District Exploration
Exploring Historic District designation for City Park
City Park Designation Exploration Committee
In 2014, Historic Denver agreed to facilitate a committee to explore the possibility of designating City Park as a local historic district. Posted below are links to documents to inform and expand understanding of the landmarking process with some specific information about City Park. For documents relating to Historic District designation and a FAQ on the landmarking process in general, go to  http://www.historicdenver.org/
Historical documents
- Resolution to Support City Park Landmark Designation, 2014
- Letter from Olmsted Brothers’ Brookline, MA firm concerning projects in City Park (1914)
- Letter from Olmsted Brothers’ Brookline, MA firm concerning projects in City Park (1913)
Guidelines and processes
- Explaining landmark designations and process
- The 2001 Master Plan for City Park:Â Revitalizing the Legacy of Denver’s City Park
- Application Form for Historic District landmark designation
- Circulation and Use Plan for Denver’s City Park
- National Register of Historic Places Inventory – 1986
- Design guidelines for Civic Center Park
- Historic Denver’s website section on City Park and the historic landmarking effort
CPFAN and CPA Raise Funds for City Park
City Park Friends and Neighbors (CPFAN) members have donated $1, 600 towards the effort to update the City Park 2001 Master Plan and to create Design Guidelines for City Park. This project is sponsored by the City Park Designation Exploratory Committee.
The committee has submitted two grants to support the Master Plan and Design Guidelines effort.
City Park Alliance (CPA) members have donated $2,020 and the organization itself has committed to donate $7,140 to fulfill the matching funds requirements for the GOCO grant.
Thank you to to all the CPFAN and CPA members for their support of this important project. The Master Plan Update and Design Guidelines will provide detailed plans, focus and direction to ensure the continuing beauty and vitality of City Park. Look for more articles on the progress of this exciting effort.
For documents relating to Historic District designation and a FAQ on the landmarking process in general, go to http://www.historicdenver.org/programs/city-park/
For historical information about City Park (including the 1913-14Â letters from the Olmsted Bros. describing their views on the City Park), and more documents on historic designation guidelines and processes, go to the CPFAN website: cpfan.org/city-park-topics/landmarking