CPFAN Minutes, September 1, 2020
CPFAN Board Meeting 9/1/2020
Members in attendance (via Zoom): Sandrea Robnett, Georgia Garnsey, Woody Garnsey, Fred Bender, Patty Paul, Keith Loftin, Jackie, Maria Flora, Hank Bootz, Steve Eppler, Adam Smith, Taylor Hite, Jacqueline Altreuter, John Brett, Kelly Crosby, Sarah Palmeri
6:06 CPFAN membership meeting
Introductions of members/attendees
- Adam Smith, Superintendent of East District, Parks and Recreation explained the operations of City Park and the East District. (14, 589 irrigation heads!) There are six full time staff and they are running at 50% reduced staff and budget. He answered questions about reused water and salinity issues, vehicles on the Mile High Trail, and repairs needed for path on the west side of Box Canyon.
- Jackie Altreuter discussed ongoing planning work for the De Boer Waterway and Nature Play area. Different areas of the play space will represent the 8 ecosystems found in Colorado. The intention is for people to play in a natural environment and to activate where children already play. After a year of gathering input at community workshops, they are ready to embark on the design phase.
- Sarah Palmeri related that the first live performance had been filmed at the Color Field that day and discussed upcoming performances.
Board Meeting
- Board meeting called to order 7:05 PM
- Fred made a motion to approve the minutes for the 8/4/2020 meeting, seconded by Sandy. Motion passed.
- Treasurer’s Report. $197.46 in CPFAN account. There have been no transactions over the past few months. Patty made a motion to accept the report. Fred seconded. Motion passed.
- Fred made a motion nominating John Brett for the CPFAN board. Patty seconded the motion. Â Motion passed.
- Reports
- President’s Report
Georgia asked Hank to explain the background of funding the Color Field project. He explained that the PS You Are Here grant of $8000 for temporary art in a public place was matched with contributions from the Denver Zoo, DMNS ($1000 each), CPFAN donors and a matching amount from City Park Alliance (CPA) CPA took on the role of fiscal agent for the project. CPFAN was the project sponsor.
2) Steve Eppler reported on the Group Living Amendment proposed by the Denver Planning Dept. Steve made a motion that CPFAN vote to support the Amendment being moved forward to and adopted by City Council. Jackie seconded. With 2 ayes, 2 no’s, and 2 abstentions, the motion did not pass.
- New Business Georgia proposed a staff retreat to determine the future direction of CPFAN. It will be discussed at an upcoming meeting.
- Patty moved to adjourn. John seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:52.