CPFAN Minutes, October 5, 2021
CPFAN Board Meeting Minutes
The CPFAN Board Meeting followed the walking tour of the future Nature Play playground by DMNS Project Manager, Jackie Altreuter. It took place at the third floor meeting room at the Museum of Nature and Science. In attendance were: Sandy Robnett, Joe Mauro, Georgia Garnsey, Fred Bender, Kelly Crosby, and John Brett.
Georgia called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. The September 2021 minutes were approved. Treasurer, Joe Mauro reported a balance of $342 in the checking account. $130 were submitted through the newly installed Donate button on the CPFAN website. The new Donate button will be announced in a future Mail Chimp newsletter and on the website. Thank you emails to donors will be generated.
Announcements included the installation of a Donate button on the CPFAN website; Â the upcoming tours of City Park conducted by CPFAN members on behalf of Doors Open Denver on October 16 and 17; and the new meeting space for CPFAN programs and board meetings at the meeting room of the City Park Pavilion.
Fred Bender reported a successful Adopt-A-Flowerbed effort with over an average of 35 volunteers actively participating on a weekly basis from May to October, 2021. The program was organized into 9 teams with captains and these teams provided 1162 hours of volunteer time (estimated labor value of $35K). The Board provided consensus to put together promotional communication using the website, newsletter, direct email to Adam Smith to celebrate volunteers and promote future engagement with Denver Parks and Recreation. Fred called out specific volunteers for highlight: Sharon Johnson, Susan Langley, Ann Ercolani (2X week for 2 hrs a week), Beth Wright. Georgia will be engaging DPR Horticulturist and Manger of the City Park Greenhouses, Julie Lehman for a tour of the greenhouses for Adopt volunteers in Spring, 2022.
Doors open Denver 16th and 17th
October 21st Patrick will do a tour for the board …
Optional dues policy inclusion in bylaws and Mission Statement revisions will be reviewed during the 10/5/21 board meeting. Georgia will include ideas for inclusion with mail chimp and website.
Georgia adjourned the informal meeting at 5:47 pm.