CPFAN Minutes, May 5, 2020

CPFAN Board Meeting 5/5/2020

Members in attendance (via Zoom): Sandrea Robinett, Georgia Garnsey, Fred Bender, Patty Paul

  1. Meeting called to order 6:05 PM
  2. Tour of artist’s studio by Sarah and Josh Palmieri to view painting of stakes for Color Field installation. Sarah explained the background of the project and Monet’s influence on original lily pond.
  • 4/22/2020 Minutes. Sandy made motion to accept. Fred seconded the motion. Motion passed.
  1. Treasurer’s Report.                                                         $1400.00 in CPFAN account. We have a new account at UMB bank. $1000.00 dollars is (for/from?) Color Field installation. Fred made motion to accept the report. Patty seconded. Motion passed.
  2. Reports Color Field Status
  3. Color Field Status- There will be signage to explain the project. Performances will be on social media due to Corona virus. Is it possible to use a QR code for access to performances? There is a possibility of water on the lily pond in conjunction with the DMNS Nature Play project.
  4. Future programs- Ed Dwight proposed as 1st program when we can meet again. Georgia will do interview with him for next Mail Chimp mailing.
  5. Garden Clubs- discussed who to approach for support on flowerbed project. Sandy will check with GPHC.
  6. Sandy- CPFAN website is okay as is. No improvements necessary, updating and news items can be added as they come up. Reaching out to French clubs regarding Color Field project.
  7. MLK repairs- Denver Arts and Venues is handling this, but it is not finalized yet. They may be interested in CPFAN involvement.
  8. Adjourned 6:56 PM (Sandy moved. Fred seconded.)