CPFAN Minutes August 4,2020
Members in attendance (via Zoom): Sandrea Robnett, Georgia Garnsey, Woody Garnsey, Fred Bender, Patty Paul, Maria Flora, Hank Bootz, Cindy Johnstone, Steve Eppler
6:02 CPFAN membership meeting
Introductions of members/attendees
Program: Cindy Johnstone shared her story of the origins and mission of Washington Park Friends and Neighbors, their focus on education (including the importance of having a newsletter), volunteering, being a voice for the park with the city, and safety in the park. The mission statement states the goal to be “stewards of the parkâ€. They work with Adam Smith, P&R Superintendent for the East District and the volunteer coordinator for P&R on projects within Washington Park.
Board Meeting
- Board meeting called to order 6:53 PM
- Fred made a motion to approve minutes for 5/5/2020 meeting, seconded by Sandy. Motion passed.
- Treasurer’s Report. $207.46 in CPFAN account. Additional funds will be needed for BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) programming to be filmed at the Lily Pond Color Field installation. Patty made a motion to accept the report. Sandy seconded. Motion passed.
- Reports
- Georgia reported on a conversation with Adam Smith, DPR’s Superintendent for the East District East District. Adam reported on upcoming projects:
* South Meadow (south of Pinetum) Plan for conversion to nature meadow with pollinators, perennials and paths.
*DPR’s ongoing maintenance challenges due to cuts of Maintenance    staff by half.
*DPR’s Interest in having volunteer projects, supervised by P&R staff.    *Adam will be the speaker at the Sept. 1 CPFAN Zoom meeting.
- Hank Bootz gave background information on the INC organization. Steve Eppler led a discussion of INC’s response to the Group Housing Resolution.        Patty made a motion to support INC’s Resolution and Recommendations,     John Brett seconded. The resolution passed unanimously. Georgia will send a letter confirming CPFAN’s support for INC’s Resolution and     Recommendations that includes specifics of INC’s position to the Mayor,   the Planning Department and Denver City Council.
- Georgia moved to adjourn, John seconded. Meeting adjourned 7:31 PM.
Submitted by,
Patty Paul
Secretary, City Park Friends and Neighbors