CPFAN Minutes August 4,2020

Minutes, CPFAN Board Meeting 8/4/2020

Members in attendance (via Zoom): Sandrea Robnett, Georgia Garnsey,  Woody Garnsey, Fred Bender, Patty Paul, Maria Flora, Hank Bootz, Cindy Johnstone, Steve Eppler

6:02 CPFAN membership meeting

Introductions of members/attendees

Program: Cindy Johnstone shared her story of the origins and mission of Washington Park Friends and Neighbors, their focus on education (including the importance of having a newsletter), volunteering, being a voice for the park with the city, and safety in the park. The mission statement states the goal to be “stewards of the parkâ€. They work with Adam Smith, P&R Superintendent for the East District and the volunteer coordinator for P&R on projects within Washington Park.

Board Meeting

  1. Board meeting called to order 6:53 PM
  2. Fred made a motion to approve minutes for 5/5/2020 meeting, seconded by Sandy. Motion passed.
  • Treasurer’s Report. $207.46 in CPFAN account. Additional funds will be needed for BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) programming to be filmed at the Lily Pond Color Field installation. Patty made a motion to accept the report. Sandy seconded. Motion passed.
  1. Reports
  2. Georgia reported on a conversation with Adam Smith, DPR’s Superintendent for the East District East District. Adam reported on upcoming projects:

* South Meadow (south of Pinetum) Plan for conversion to nature meadow with pollinators, perennials and paths.

*DPR’s ongoing maintenance challenges due to cuts of Maintenance     staff by half.

*DPR’s Interest in having volunteer projects, supervised by P&R staff.     *Adam will be the speaker at the Sept. 1 CPFAN Zoom meeting.


  1. Hank Bootz gave background information on the INC organization. Steve Eppler led a  discussion of INC’s response to the Group Housing Resolution.         Patty made a motion to support INC’s Resolution and Recommendations,      John Brett seconded. The resolution passed unanimously. Georgia will send a letter confirming CPFAN’s support for INC’s Resolution and      Recommendations that includes specifics of INC’s position to the Mayor,    the Planning Department and Denver City Council.


  1. Georgia moved to adjourn, John seconded. Meeting adjourned 7:31 PM.



Submitted by,

Patty Paul

Secretary, City Park Friends and Neighbors