Explore City Park’s Flowerbeds With Us, Sept. 5

A group of people standing in the grass.

City Park Friends and Neighbors invites you to join us for a tour of City Park’s flower gardens on Tuesday, September 5 from 5:30 – 7 pm. We will meet off the circular parking lot accessed from Montview Blvd and turning south to the roundabout. The tour will be led by City Park’s Adopt-a-Flowerbed Coordinators, Maria Flora (GPHC) and Jackie June (South City Park). Adopt-a-Flowerbed is a Denver Parks and Recreation volunteer program that is in its third year of operation in City Park. Since the pandemic when the park’s Horticulturists struggled to maintain the area’s many flowerbeds, volunteers from neighborhoods

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Meet Kristina Maldonado Bad Hand; City Park’s Lily Pond; May 16

A woman standing on the side of a stone wall.

Next Tuesday, May 16, the City Park Friends and Neighbors (CPFAN) Board of Directors and interested CPFAN members will meet with Kristina Maldonado Bad Hand at the Lily Pond, located southwest of the Museum of Nature and Science to brainstorm ideas for a Land Acknowledgement installation in the area.  Kristina is a Sicangu Lakota and Cherokee artist who is a co-chair of the Denver Indian Commission and a Creative and Public Engagement Fellow at the Denver Art Museum. She has also created several Land Acknowledgement art installations in the Denver area. One of the most recent is a Living Land

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Plant Medicine Workshop with Brooke Badon-Voigt

A basket with leaves and flowers on it.

Brooke Badon, CPFAN Board member and Adopt-A-Flowerbed volunteer, will present a workshop on Herbal Medicine for our February 7 program at 6:30 pm. The CPFAN Board meeting will precede the program at 5:30 pm and we welcome you to join us for that as well. The meeting and program will take place in the Multi-Purpose Room at the Carla Madison Recreation Center, 2401 East Colfax Avenue. There is parking behind the center that can be accessed from 16th Avenue and York St. Having recovered in a short time from COVID, Brooke will present specific insights into herbs and plants that aided

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