Excavating City Park with Dr Erin Baxter, November 12, 5:30 pm

Please join us for an exceptional program on Tuesday, November 12 when Dr. Erin Baxter, Curator of Anthropology at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science (DMNS), will speak about the excavations she directed in City Park this past summer in City Park. A collaboration between DMNS and Denver Parks and Recreation, the excavations took place at five locations in City Park and yielded artifacts like an 1800’s pottery fragment and a pre-historic chipstone flake.  High school students from underserved communities across Denver were recruited through DMNS’ Teen Science Scholars Program to serve as interns for the program. Under Dr.

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City Park Day Was A Blast!!!

On May 31, City Park Day continued its tradition of free ice cream (by Sweet Cooie’s), live music by the Denver Municipal Band with new additions – face painting, caricatures and exhibits from institutions like the Museum of Nature and Science and the Denver Zoo, and neighborhood groups from around City Park.  To celebrate the roots of Denver’s crown jewel park, Victorian dress was in full force. See more photos below. Sponsors included City Council District 9, the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, the Denver Zoo, City Park Friends and Neighbors, Greater Park Hill Community, Inc., and the  Victorian

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Jolon Clark to Speak at CPFAN Annual Meeting, April 2, 5:30 pm, Carla Madison Recreation Center

There will be no CPFAN General Meeting and Program in March. Our Annual Meeting, where the membership will elect Board members for the 2024-25 term and vote on two proposed bylaw changes will take place on April 2 and we encourage all our members to attend.  If you are interested in serving on the CPFAN Board of Directors in 2024-25 please contact Georgia at info@cpfan.org. We welcome your interest and participation. The agenda and protocols for the Annual Meeting will be published in the next newsletter that will go out by March 18, giving fifteen days notice per our bylaws. We are

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