City Park Master Plan Update and Design Guidelines Program

Denver Museum of Nature and Science
February 22, 10 am-noon
VIP Room
February 22, 10 am-noon
VIP Room
This is an important meeting for City Park lovers! Mallory Bettag, East Denver Parks District Planner will present a program reviewing the City Park Master Plan Update and Design Guidelines for City Park, the “People’s Park” and the “Crown Jewel of the Queen City.” There will be a description of the City Park Design Advisory Committee composed of architects, officials and citizens that meets to review proposed projects for City Park to DPR. Peggy Day, Director of Strategic Planning for the Denver Museum of Nature and Science will speak about the museum’s Nature Play concept for the playground area south of the museum, one of the recommendations in the Master Plan.
This is your chance to provide the city’s Parks and Recreation department with feedback and your vision for City Park.