Clayton Early Learning – Park Hill Golf Course Community Forum
Please join Clayton Early Learning for Community Forum #3 to continue the community discussion regarding the future of Park Hill Golf Course. The meeting will take place from 7PM-8PM on Thursday September 21, 2017 on the Clayton Campus in the Administration Building. The campus is located at 3801 Martin Luther King Boulevard (Colorado Blvd/Martin Luther King Blvd.) Questions? Please contact Liz Adams
This raises several questions:
Can the City release a perpetual Conservation Easement granted to the City for fair value? Even if it can, should it?
What is the value of the 25-are Inundation Easement?
What compensation is the City providing Clayton in exchange for the Inundation Easement?
What is the value of the Conservation Easement?
What is the value of the zoning?
How did they arrive at these values?