Minutes, October 8, 2023

CPFAN Board Meeting Minutes                                                                                                                                 October 8, 2023

Board members in attendance: Georgia Garnsey, Joe Mauro, Patty Paul, Robbie Marks, Kelly Crosby

Location: Handball courts in City Park. CPFAN hosted a meet and greet gathering with the handball players. People learned about the game of  handball and the Sunday morning regular players.

  1. Call to order 11:30 AM
  2. Secretary’s Minutes: August and September board meetings, approved (Joe moved to approve, Patty 2nd)
  • Treasurer’s Reports: July, August, September approved (Patty moved to accept, Kelly 2nd)
  1. Motion: Treasurer (Joe) will write a check to Patty Paul in October ($1,000) to partially reimburse Patty for the loan she made to CPFAN re: upfront expenses for reprinting “Denver’s City Park” book. (Joe moved, Kelly 2nd). Approved.
  2. The remainder of Patty’s loan to CPFAN ($1096.60) will be reimbursed in future months as the board directs.
  3. Committee Reports
  4. Denver’s City Park book update: In mid-September, the books were printed and sales began. Over 60 books were sold by the October board meeting. The suggested donation per book is $20. Some book-purchasers are giving larger amounts: $295 beyond the suggested donation has been collected from book sales thus far. As of mid-day, 10/8/23, only 51 more books must to be sold at the $20 price to break even (re: upfront costs). At the moment, Patty plans to sell books at the Adopt A Flower Bed picnic and other CPFAN gatherings. Discussion ensued about other potential sales outlets; this topic will resume at November’s meeting.
  5. Hank Boots: City Park Alliance Liaison update: Discussion about CPFAN potentially providing volunteers (ice cream pick-up; ice cream set-up; and ice cream hand out) for the annual CPA Denver City Park Day (first Friday in June). There’s traditionally been an Ice Cream giveaway and a concert by the Denver Municipal Band. Hank will clarify with CPA what they’re willing/wanting to do and what role CPFAN might play.
  6. Georgia: November CPFAN program: Georgia will contact Peter Lubembela, Senior Outreach Manager for Mayor Johnston, to be the speaker on 11/7 at the CPFAN meeting @Carla Madison Rec Center.
  7. Robbie: December CPFAN program: Our speaker at the 12/5 CPFAN meeting (@Carla Madison Rec Center) will be Michelle Simpson of OneWorld Seed Company. Michelle formerly worked for Denver Parks and Rec as a horticulturalist and specializes in xeric gardening with native plants that attract pollinators. She will talk about how people can do this type of gardening at home; about types of weeds to get rid of; and about specific plants to grow. She will also sell seed mixes.
  8. Old Business: none
  9. New Business: Georgia will book the Carla Madison Rec Center for November and December CPFAN meetings.

VII. Meeting adjourned at 12:23 pm.