City Park Golf Course Stormwater Detention Proposal

A lake with trees in the background and a grassy area.

Initial letter from Attorney Aaron Goldhamer regarding Proposed City Park Golf Course Stormwater Detention Project     We are pleased to announce that on November 21, 2016, a Denver District Court judge, denied a motion by the City of Denver, to dismiss a lawsuit brought by J.D. MacFarlane, Plaintiff and CPFAN Board Member, represented by Attorney Aaron Goldhamer, asking the court to stop the City of Denver from constructing an “industrial-level storm water managment project” in City Park Golf Course. Read the ruling here. The lawsuit will now proceed. If you’d like to help fund the lawsuit, go to DOCUMENTS 2014

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Dustin Redd Playground

CPFAN favors the upgrading of the Dustin Redd Playground on the existing footprint. Volunteers worked to make repairs for the short term, while we work with the City and County of Denver Parks and Recreation Department on a long-term solution. Dustin Redd Map Jan 2015 CPFAN DR playground Resolution 010615      

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Denver Zoo Gate 15

RFQ for Denver Zoo/Public Art Project On November 30, Denver Arts and Venue convened the first meeting of the panel of citizens and city and Zoo officials pursuing a public art project for the Zoo’s Gate 15 area that borders Duck Lake and Ferril Lake. The group met to agree upon a general vision and procedural outline for the project. As a result, a Request for Qualifications for artists, landscape architects, and others who would be interested in applying has been published. As the RFQ states, “The panel is particularly interested in artworks that explore the interplay between the built

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